How religion can make a Superspy stupid.
Breach... Well acted and aesthetically "pleasing" though it felt phony and rushed towards the end, with too much compression of time throughout.
A solid performance Laura Linney, fine as usual, but the O'Neil's wife has the dodgiest german accent I've heard in a while. Though based on a real person, Ryan Phillipe's interpretation of his character was almost an extension of his role in
Antitrust, maybe the Hayden Christensen (who played Stephen Glass in director Ray's superior more focussed, less generic debut,
Shattered Glass). Typecasting didn't help either, Chris Cooper, fine actor that he is, has played the perv/ traitor many times, Gary Cole as the office prick, and and the guest appearance of Jonas Blane completely spoils the suspension of disbelief.
In a world of what-ifs – what if they keep Chris Cooper, but hire Matt Damon instead of Phillipe and add some action –
Bourne Begins!
Would have made a more compelling 6 episode HBO or BBC miniseries though.