...beside cable news...
The dumbest show on earth, the entire premise of the show is about how incompetent the government is and that the country is dependent on a trigger happy sociopath to save a place from a fate which he and his loved ones more or less causes in the first place. Then there's Chloe, do you wish the someone give her an enema, so she could loose her "I haven't shat in a week" look. The fact that it is one of the most watched show Stateside shed light on how blinkered, xenophobic and DUMB most Americans are.
Law & Order - The Original
Reinforcing Middle America's view of the sins in the Big Apple. Dick Wolf and co, manages to cram the crimes and vices of the entire nation into this fictional version of New York City. The first half of the show has always be a solid descendent of Dragnet, but the second half of this longest running PSA is pure comedy. The DAs are pure and righteous fire and brimstone good folks.If you play a drinking game where every time Sam Waterson chokes up or appears indignant at the crime of the week, you'd be drunk by the time the show ends.
CSI Miami
Horatio Caine, his sunglasses, bad quips, head tilt, and the revolving crane shot. Some of life's purest pleasures.
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